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Atlanta Truck Driver Negligence Lawyer Fights for You

Operator negligence is a leading cause of truck collisions in Georgia

According to the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Safety, one-sixth of motor vehicle deaths in the state involve large commercial trucks. Truck driver negligence is the leading cause of big rig crashes in Atlanta. Hundreds of 18-wheelers share the road with automobiles on I-285, I-85, I-75 and I-20 in Atlanta daily, increasing the likelihood that an accident will occur.

Commercial truck drivers have a responsibility to drive safely, follow driving laws and maintain their commercial driver’s licenses and appropriate endorsements. At McMenamy Law, our attorney carefully evaluates the facts to determine if truck driver negligence or trucking company negligence caused an accident. We examine:

  • If the tractor-trailer driver or vehicle operator was speeding, distracted, tired or drunk while operating the commercial truck
  • Whether the collision would have happened if not for the truck operator’s negligent behavior
  • Where the liability for negligent driving falls — either with the driver or the trucking company

Most common negligent behaviors on Atlanta roads and highways

Negligent driver behavior is the number one cause of trucking crashes in Atlanta. Big rig operators who tailgate, run stop signs or red lights, improperly load cargo or participate in other negligent behaviors often cause crashes resulting in serious injuries or wrongful death. Common forms of truck operator negligence include:

  • Speeding The pressure to deliver loads within required time frames and long driving hours often tempt big rig operators to push the speed limit. Speeding 18-wheeler operators risk losing control of their vehicles, especially when unexpected events occur on the highway or road conditions suddenly change.
  • Driver fatigue Sleep deprivation is a common problem for commercial truck operators, especially long haul drivers. Fatigued semi-truck drivers have impaired judgment and slower reaction times, and are prone to cause accidents. Federal law regulates the number of hours a commercial truck driver is allowed on the road and explains what a tractor-trailer driver should do if fatigue prevents him or her from safely operating a commercial vehicle.
  • Drunk driving The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that 1 percent of truck drivers who caused big rig crashes were legally drunk at the time of the accident. Impaired drivers are reckless drivers. Our Atlanta truck driver negligence lawyer examines whether the commercial truck operator who caused harm or wrongful death to a crash victim has a history of DUIs or a poor driving record. We also investigate whether the trucking company that hired the driver checks and regularly monitors its drivers’ background for DUIs and other impaired driving incidents.
  • Distracted driving Georgia law makes it illegal to text while driving; however, there are other common distractions that are not deemed illegal. Talking on cell phones, eating food or fiddling with the radio can also affect a commercial truck driver’s ability to completely focus on the road. Distracted driving causes problems like following too closely, missing stop signs or red lights, and ignoring pedestrians or stopped vehicles along the roadside. Because of the enormous size and weight of tractor-trailers, even a minor distraction can cause a major accident that results in serious injuries or death.

Contact our attorney if you or a loved one experiences injuries or wrongful death as a result of truck driver negligence

To learn more about how to recover for injuries or wrongful death caused by truck driver negligence, contact McMenamy Law today at 404-846-2828 and 866-957-3928 or online to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weekend and evening appointments are also available. If needed, we can meet with you at your home or hospital, too. All cases are handled on a contingency fee basis.